The latest release from Eaglemoss Collections features one of the Federation’s tried and true auxiliary craft, the WORKER BEE has been seen in service throughout Star Trek incarnations.

Even in the 23rd Century, starship crewman depend on several modes of transportation to get the mission accomplished. In the future, the Federation has depended on auxiliary vessel in order to help construct and service the fleet. Worker Bees, smaller one or two-man vehicles were glimpsed helping to refit the Starship Enterprise in dry dock in Star Trek: The Motion Picture as Captain Kirk returned to reclaim the bridge of his ship in order to intercept the approaching alien threat of V’Ger.
The Worker Bee has remained a constant fixture in Star Trek continuity and has played a significant role in the latest iteration of the mythology. Eaglemoss Collections captures the spirit of the Federation auxiliary craft in its latest release; the Worker Bee is reproduced for Issue #13 part of the Star Trek Discovery The Official Starships Collection. The die-cast model combines plastic parts in incredible detailing to bring collectors a close-up look at the ship that has played a significant part throughout the two seasons of the current Star Trek franchise hit.

Working Hard
The model comes in at over 6” in length and is expertly detailed. The version reproduced is the two-seater version of the auxiliary craft that is used aboard the USS Discovery to move vital components across the ship’s cargo bays. The Worker Bee has also been used in space, and as described in the enclosed magazine detailing the background of the versatile little ship. The original ship was designed by Andrew Probert for Star Trek: The Motion Picture and was redesigned for Star Trek Discovery by Ray Lai.
The designer took the basic tropes from Probert’s initial take of the Worker Bee and applied the same principles, while matching the production’s expectation of what the craft would be doing within the narrative of the script. Initially the Worker Bee was to be utilized to help Michael Burnham escape the confines of the brig at “The Battle of the Binary Stars” raged outside. The craft would be seen again throughout the season, moving crates within the USS Discovery cargo bay and is even outfitted with a laser to manage some exterior ship repairs.
The model sits about 4” high on its included display stand and is expertly detailed by the craftsmen at Eaglemoss.
Worker Bee Issue #13 | Star Trek Discovery The Official Starships Collection | Eaglemoss Collections is available through the subscription service and the Eaglemoss webiste here.