The DC Comics "REBIRTH" continues to take shape as legacies are explored in the first series of VOL. 1 arc collected in graphic novel formats. If you're wondering... These are "Must Reads"!
The DC Comics “Rebirth” event has dominated most of the headlines across all fan-related newswires generating great enthusiasm. After a less than stellar, truthfully lukewarm reception from their last publishing-wide reboot (back in 2011) the giants behind the comic’s industry longest running imprints decided a look at the legacy of its pantheon was in order, and ordered a “Rebirth” which was appropriately launched by the company’s Chief Creative Director Geoff Johns.
Johns had handled the “rebirth” re-entry into established mythology of two long-favored characters in DC Comics. The Silver Age Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) and The Flash (Barry Allen) had each been lost to cataclysmic events respectively. Both heroes had helped reshape the DC Comics Universe and its long-established timeline, and both heroes were brought back from the brink of oblivion to reclaim their rightful places among the Earth’s Greatest Heroes (just in time)!
After DC Comics relaunched under the banner of “The New 52” much of that history had been retconned, but recent events have inspired a “Rebirth” which is taking a well deserved look at the legacy of these heroes. After a new threat is discovered to have meddled with the timeline, the heroes are faced with reexamining their origins and in some cases the validity of their histories as they have come to know it.
The “Rebirth” rebranding brought all the arcs of the last five years to an end, with fresh starts and in some cases most of the published series were relaunched fresh with all-new Issue #1s. Now the first collected editions of those premiere stories are being released in the “Vol. 1” paperback trades including Batman and Aquaman. Each of these volumes, featuring two of DC Comics longest running characters and founding members of the Justice League have raised the bar dramatically!
● Batman Vol. #1 - “I Am Gotham” written by Tom King with art by David Finch the Dark Knight Detective must take a very hard look at his own legacy as his city’s most dedicated defender, and the influence his vigilantism has had on its citizens, especially when two brand new super-powered heroes — the brother/sister team — Gotham and Gotham Girl take on Gotham’s underworld.
When an old enemy manipulates events to tilt the balance of justice, it could mean the lives of personal friends and families are at stake, leaving Batman, and a new crime-fighting ally, to make the hard decisions. The arc features the return of some old favorites including Solomon Grundy, and Commissioner James Gordon back in his usual role after a short stint as a “Bat-Man”.
The volume also features all the variant covers released in conjunction with each issue as it hit the market, and rough sketches including new costume designs by Greg Capullo and David Finch.
● Aquaman Vol. #1 - “The Drowning” written by Dan
Abnett features the King of Atlantis like we’ve never seen him before embracing and preparing for what life truly means to be Earth’s greatest protector and most powerful monarch. The planet Earth is covered mostly by water and everything that resides within the ocean is part of the kingdom that Arthur Curry reigns over, but not everyone is onboard with Aquaman bridging the worlds between land and sea.
Aquaman’s arch enemy the Black Manta launches a vendetta against his foe just as Arthur finds himself manipulated against the United States government who perceive him and Atlantis as a threat! Now he must show strength and great restraint to prevent war between the two countries while fending off the interference from the Man of Steel himself!
These two “Rebirth” graphic novel collections are just the first collecting the relaunch arcs currently running in DC Comics and more Vol. 1s are set to follow. The legacies of both Batman and Aquaman are excitingly explored in these individual collected volumes and prove how influential these particularly characters are to the DC Comics mythology.